Dr. Scully Dana
About Me
World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being. Massage opens and increases the flow of energy, balancing the entire nervous system and helping to release physical and emotional disharmony.
The many benefits of massage are enhanced by the use of high quality massage oil. Apricot tree is the member of the rose family originating from Central and East Asia. The fruit, rich. World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being.

Additional Costs
Our members are the national insurance associations in 35 countries
World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish.
The financial burden of battling cancer can be overwhelming.
The many benefits of massage are enhanced by the use of high quality massage oil.
Battling cancer can be the many benefits of massage.
Estimates of costs to insurance companies and MedicPress are $10,000.
My Blog

Los científicos ya saben hacer sangre
Dos investigaciones logran generar las células precursoras de la sangre en la placa de cultivo Crear sangre parece un ingenio…

Miles de firmas por una ley que proteja a los enfermos de cáncer desempleados
Las rúbricas han sido entregadas al ministerio de Sanidad junto a las de otras dos propuestas para luchar contra el…

La ciencia explora el valor del ayuno para luchar contra el cáncer
Investigadores en envejecimiento y oncología exploran los beneficios de dejar de comer durante uno o más días El mayo pasado,…